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April Roundup!


With the end of lockdown drawing closer for the UK, the engines are starting again but in Romania, things remained as busy as ever this month. Here is some of our main news from April, if you missed from our facebook page:

- 6 days ago Gea picked up a poor pup who had been dumped. What can go through people's heads to just dump a pup, when you're all he's ever known? This boy has been left in the village for us to find. Someone said he's been wandering for a couple of days. People tend to leave dogs for us near to the village shop, which the team drive past daily.

He's safe now, receiving decent meals and some tlc. He's 4/5 months old.

- At the beginning of April we told you about the dumped puppies. Well another seven pups were found and came into our care. They were nursing from their dead mum, thank goodness someone kind in the village phoned us up...

They are safe and thriving so far - playing, eating, sleeping and pooping.

- You may remember Alex from our facebook page. Well look at the change in this boy, he is walking so well now. He is so playful too.He was dragging his back legs after being found at the side of the road. We think he was beaten and kicked so severely.

- And what about Django? Remember this boy? It's starting to get a little warmer in Romania after a long winter. Django will soon be able to feel the sun on his back. He was callously dumped with both eyes lost due to infection. Understandably he his wary of people but he just loves Ion.

- And finally Reuben. You might recall what an awful state this boy was in at first.

He was a walking open wound just like Hope. He's turned into a bit of a fatty! Just a little. His favourite thing is lolling in the grass with his cat friends.

- Rhu, in UK foster, Aberdeenshire 10 months. Some UK news, sadly the lovely Rhu came back to us at the beginning of the month and is for foster or adoption in Aberdeenshire. She is thriving where she is but needs a home where she can have more attention. She has limited opportunity just now to move forwards with new sights and sounds due to the remote location of her foster home. Her manners with her human carers and her dog family are impeccable but this is not to say she wouldn't be prone to a bit of guarding in a new environment. Applicants would need to be dog savvy to not let this arise again.

Rhu needs:

A country home, at least one other calm, friendly and active dog for confidence and leadership to continue to build on her training and self confidence, adopters with rescue experience an active home where she can enjoy new experiences in a positive way at her own pace

Please click the link below or message us if you might be able to offer this lovely big pup the right home -

- Last week we were alerted to this poor little lady who had been living in someone's garden locally. She was in a sorry state, carrying a massive tumour - it’s that huge mass at her stomach in the first photo. She is about nine years old so goodness knows how long she's been like this.

We offered to cover costs for surgery and she has now been through this and is doing so well. This girl deserves to live her life pain free and in comfort.

- Claudia and Cosmin. This couple devote their lives to saving dogs in Dorohoi, in northern Romania. They work away quietly, taking dogs into care, sometimes daily. There's precious little for dogs locally, except cold-heartedness, indifference and cruelty.

Puppy season impacts this couple too, with more dumped souls coming into their care.Their dogs go to Germany in the main. BMDR is there to support them to make the dogs healthy and put the ones back together who need it, by paying vet bills, good food and medication.

Cosmin is a teacher and often, it's a pupil of Cosmin's who calls about a dog in need. This gives us all hope.

A late update from yesterday ''Another long day in traffic! We went to Suceava today to get Lennox back.... I don't think I have to tell you what happened on our way to Suceava! In the forest there was a poor dog dumped next to the highway. We stopped the car and went towards her, she was so happy to see us like she was expecting us!... Luckily we are prepared and showed her some treats so she came close again and Cosmin grabbed her. We noticed her front paw was swollen and she didn't put it on the ground properly. So we took her to Suceava for X-Ray. Not to mention she was full of ticks of all sizes! ...So the vet gave her the antidote for babesia (she most likely has the disease). The X-Ray showed that her paw was broken (it's an old fracture) and welded itself pretty well but she has another fracture which is not welded. But the good news is that the radius is not broken so the carpus (which is broken) will weld itself in time.

She is 2 years old, 17 kgs heavy. She's very friendly and walks on the lead."

Safe now. We have so much to thank them for.

About Barking Mad Dog Rescue

We are a charity that rescues and rehomes unwanted and abandoned dogs in Romania. Each day we feed over 800 dogs, and we rehome several hundred dogs per year. This work is only possible with the help of our wonderful supporters. To donate, please go here. We are so grateful for all of your support.

How to adopt from BMDR

Please see our adoption information page. Our available dogs can be found here.

Keep in touch!

For all the latest goings on across our shelters, make sure you like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram.

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