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  • Writer's picturebarkingmaddogrescue

Mother and child reunion

At the end of last year, the team noticed a tiny puppy all alone on the street near the shelter. Amongst all the activity and excitement of the Christmas shoeboxes being handed out to local children, she looked very scared and lonely. Of course the team took her in to the warmth and safety of the village house.

The tiny pup was named SANTA and was offered a foster place here in the U.K. with Lillian, one of our dear friends and supporters.

But just a few days ago, another little dog was seen hanging around the village.. an adult this time, but she too seemed sad and lost. Again, Gea took her in to the warm.

As soon as these two saw each other, everything became clear. This is Santa’s Mummy! She was looking for her baby all along. We are so happy they’re back together ❤️

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