Sheila McIntosh and Evie (2 years old)
“She was previously called Juniper, but we decided to call her Evie. It means life. We both have experienced a new one so it seemed fitting!
We think she’s a bit of a mix of everything! Jack Russell, Romanian curly tail and pure gorgeous!
We chose her because she such a lovely wee face with lots of personality. Like all dogs...she chose us!

Her favourite walk is Portobello beach, followed by Figgate Park. Her favourite place to chill is sitting in garden sniffing out new smells. We have been concentrating on keeping her safe with good recall.
We had two dogs from a local rescue previously, but the adoption process for Evie was longer and more thorough.
The first time we met my heart was bursting. The little scone was so terrified and I just wanted to cuddle her and take care of her. I have never felt anything was more right. Corny it may be, but it was love at first sight. ...and this has only grown. She is our everything!

I had cancelled everything to concentrate on Evie during the first week, unfortunately my partner Harry took a stroke and needed a 999 crew after only one week. Evie jumped up with Harry and wouldn't move until we left for hospital. She was unbelievable and that bond has stuck. A loving wee girl.
She just blossomed. She met everyone at the park and they all made the most amazing effort to welcome her. My niece has a dog care business and we introduced every shape and size to her. Her ‘cousins" are Dogue de Bordeaux and to see her romping with them now is fabulous.

My advice to anyone thinking of adopting is to think about your abilities, experience and resources. It's not about what you want, but what you can offer regarding the dog’s needs. Their needs are most certainly different to humans...but in a delightful way!”