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Travellin' Dawgs!


More lucky dogs are on their way to our amazing partner organisation in Germany which has found great homes for them. RONJA came from those people who said we could have their dogs then didn't. Pregnant, with an infected eye and a gammy leg, she's now on her way to happy times, mended and ready. DIAMOND was found on a neighbouring farm to the shelter. ALISON, the last sister of six to be rehomed, is finally leaving. PAULA was from the harbour. She had been hit by a car as a wee puppy. She's been put back together and is running like an Olympic athlete now! POIROT, a gentle kind soul who has waited so long in the shelter, is finally coming home to the UK. DARCY, MARY, PENNY, DONNA and BALU from Claudia, way up north in Dorohoi, all jumped on the happy bus to new lives. So far from a life on the street.

This is rescue in action, partnership across three countries. How lucky are we.

Happy lives darling dogs. We love you.

About Barking Mad Dog Rescue

We are a charity that rescues and rehomes unwanted and abandoned dogs in Romania. Each day we feed over 800 dogs, and we rehome several hundred dogs per year. This work is only possible with the help of our wonderful supporters. To donate, please go here. We are so grateful for all of your support.

How to adopt from BMDR

Please see our adoption information page. Our available dogs can be found here.

Keep in touch!

For all the latest goings on across our shelters, make sure you like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram.

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